Manogna Sreenivas

PhD Student


I am currently pursuing my PhD at the Department of Electrical Engineering, IISc, Bangalore. I work at the IACV lab under the supervision of Dr. Soma Biswas.

Prior to this, I worked as a Software Engineer at PathPartner Technology, Bangalore for about three years. I graduated with a B.Tech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from NITK Surathkal in 2017.

I am interested in applying learning methods to solve computer vision problems, where one has access to only limited data and can encounter distribution shifts. Over the course of my PhD, I aim to develop methods capable of learning and adapting in such dynamic real-world environments with less data and compute power.

selected publications

  1. arXiV
    Effectiveness of Vision Language Models for Open-world Single Image Test Time Adaptation
    Manogna Sreenivas, and Soma Biswas
    In PrePrint. Under Review, 2024
  2. WACV
    pSTarC: Pseudo Source Guided Target Clustering for Fully Test-Time Adaptation
    Manogna Sreenivas, Goirik Chakrabarty, and Soma Biswas
    In Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, 2024
  3. TMLR
    SANTA: Source Anchoring Network and Target Alignment for Continual Test Time Adaptation
    Goirik Chakrabarty, Manogna Sreenivas, and Soma Biswas
    In Transactions in Machine Learning Research, 2023